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Abbey Park is committed to providing affordable, luxurious housing and services of the highest quality. Our mission is the enrichment of the daily lives of our residents. We offer an environment of planned warmth and caring that promotes physical, mental and emotional well being which encourages companionship among our residents and staff. Our staff is trained and qualified to service the senior resident with the highest quality social programs, nutritious meals, housekeeping, transportation, and security. All residents are treated “just as we ourselves would like to be treated.”
In The Media
Paratrooper helped war effort across Europe
[12/29/2015 ] Hometown Life
These Twin Sisters Just Turned 90, And They’re Still Cracking Each Other Up
[2/01/2015 ] The Huffington Post
Couple met during WWII, love lasts seven decades
[11/20/2014 ] Hometown Life
Boys of Bastogne
[12/18/2013 ] Spinal Column
195,000-square-foot Abbey Park at Mill River moves into Oakland County
[12/04/2008 ] mLive
Reviews: @ Grand Blanc | @ Lyon Township
Careers at Abbey Park
Interested in working for Abbey Park? Download then fill out the application and drop it off to your preferred location.